dinsdag 7 december 2010

Arie Houtveen 21-04-1916 / / 08-12-2000

December 8th 2000 is the day my father died at the age of 84. That’s 10 years ago tomorrow. Time flies for sure.
Being the youngest kid of 8 (Yes I was born in a real catholic family) I recall my youth and adolescense as a nice time. Although my parents were pretty old compared to the ones of my friends, they were very liberal and gave me the oppurtunity to express and be myself. We even were allowed to practise at the shed of our house and looking back on that, I admire my parents for that. They really stood out of the majority of the often narrow minded inhabitants of the village I lived in. I could always return to a safe and warm house, that was different for a lot of my friends and therefor they loved to hang out at our place. Everyone was welcome.
My dad really liked to pull pranks and one day I came home and there he was sitting in the living room, dressed in my clothing, his hair died blue (temporary colours though!) and said he was going to replace me in the band. (he often shouted: ‘Fuck the cruise missiles!’ when people asked about the band I was in. He said that basically all of our lyrics were about that kind of stuff, what a guy....)

As a sound file this time, you’ll find the first ‘demo’ by Total Chaoz. That was the band we did after the Disturbers. In this band I switched to bass guitar and Berletta and Dorien took care of the vocals. Paul did some backing vocals and also the song ‘Sick of you’ (dedicated to our former bass player).
At this time we got in touch with a new wave of punks in Amersfoort. There were two other bands (Asperitys and the Puke) and we also started our tape label ‘Er is Hoop’ tapes. The first tape we did was a compilation with the three bands from Amersfoort.

Track list:
01-KZ Syndroom
02-Disco Jugend
03-AMZK (alle ME-ers zijn klootzakken)
04-Nothing for us
05-O Beatrix
06-Religie Waanzin
07-Sick of you
08-Olé lied

5 opmerkingen:

roel zei

Jezus, Jos, wat een goeie foto van je vader..!

ladybike zei

geweldig!!!!! mijn pa was dood toen ik 9 jaar oud was, hij was ook n vrijdenker, maar of ie dit gedaan zou hebben : )

Dan zei

mooi stukkie,ben blij dat ik ook gezegend ben met zulk soort ouders
maar wat anders... ik heb beide total chaoz demo's wat opgeschoond en die wilde ik op me bloggie gooien als een 30 yr anniversary thingy (samen larm rehearsals-live en larm @ debaser 2006
die staat er trouwens vanaf vandaag op
laat effe weten of je het ok vind
anders verwijder ik hem
grrr Dan

distortiontodeafness zei

Uiteraard helemaal ok!

roderick mcclain zei

nice story!