Friday april 8th 1983 was the date Lärm played it's first live gig ever. We played at Tagrijn in Hilversum, a city quite close to Amersfoort and the venue was known for the weekly punk/new wave nights and also for putting on bands in this genre. If I am correct we played with Asperitys and I am not sure if Red Riot played or not, maybe it was just 2 bands.
I recall us being quite nervous, this being the first time for Lärm to play live on a stage with a PA system too. We arrived for soundcheck, plugged in and played two songs. The soundguy then asked us to stop fooling around and play a proper song. When we told him we just played two, he looked at us as if we were from another planet. He switched off his soundboard and left, shaking his head in disbelief. Obviously he did not care and if you listen carefully to the live recordings, you can hear reggae played through the PA while we played live. Maybe that is where my dislike of reggae comes from? Who knows.
After being introduced as 'LARM' (even Dutch people can't pronounce it right), we kicked off with a special version of 'Our Future'. Crass had a slogan 'Fight War - Not Wars', we had our own: 'Milk Cows - Not Bulls'. We even had a banner at some point with this slogan. We definately put effort into the image of being farmer punks, even though only Dorien and myself lived on a farm.
The crowd was not completely ready for us. Lärm was one of the first bands in Holland that took punk to another level: faster and louder than most other bands around back then and also completely clueless when it came to tune guitars. We knew how to use a distortion though!
On this recording you'll hear a few songs that were skipped before the split lp with Stanx. Sick Of You and Oh Beatrix were both Total Chaoz songs originally and if I am correct Dead Soldiers was a Sextons song even. Country Life was a song glorifying life on the farm and HCP (stands for Hardcore Punk) was changed into OSL later on. Wodka had a different intro back then and some songs are longer than the versions we recorded on vinyl.
For me this was a pleasant trip down memory lane and hopefully the Dutch speaking people can understand some of the in between song ranting.
I guess this is where the Campaign For Musical Destruction started.
01 our future
02 nijpels face - ban the bomb
03 disorder - vader abrahamI recall us being quite nervous, this being the first time for Lärm to play live on a stage with a PA system too. We arrived for soundcheck, plugged in and played two songs. The soundguy then asked us to stop fooling around and play a proper song. When we told him we just played two, he looked at us as if we were from another planet. He switched off his soundboard and left, shaking his head in disbelief. Obviously he did not care and if you listen carefully to the live recordings, you can hear reggae played through the PA while we played live. Maybe that is where my dislike of reggae comes from? Who knows.
After being introduced as 'LARM' (even Dutch people can't pronounce it right), we kicked off with a special version of 'Our Future'. Crass had a slogan 'Fight War - Not Wars', we had our own: 'Milk Cows - Not Bulls'. We even had a banner at some point with this slogan. We definately put effort into the image of being farmer punks, even though only Dorien and myself lived on a farm.
The crowd was not completely ready for us. Lärm was one of the first bands in Holland that took punk to another level: faster and louder than most other bands around back then and also completely clueless when it came to tune guitars. We knew how to use a distortion though!
On this recording you'll hear a few songs that were skipped before the split lp with Stanx. Sick Of You and Oh Beatrix were both Total Chaoz songs originally and if I am correct Dead Soldiers was a Sextons song even. Country Life was a song glorifying life on the farm and HCP (stands for Hardcore Punk) was changed into OSL later on. Wodka had a different intro back then and some songs are longer than the versions we recorded on vinyl.
For me this was a pleasant trip down memory lane and hopefully the Dutch speaking people can understand some of the in between song ranting.
I guess this is where the Campaign For Musical Destruction started.
01 our future
02 nijpels face - ban the bomb
04 pigeon
05 nothing for us
06 too old
07 police threats
08 only reality - south africa
09 passive punks
10 revolting youth - oh beatrix
11 wodka
12 country life - dead soldiers - hcp
Lärm: first live gig ever